Calgary Fish & Game Association and Sarcee Fish & Game Association have teamed together to offer a Big Game Measuring Day, January 31, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm at the Calgary Horseshoe Club! Check out the CFGA Hunting Awards below that are awarded at our yearly Wild Game Banquet! If you want to enter for an award, then bring your antlers, horns, sheds or skulls to the Big Game Measuring Day for scoring!
CFGA Hunting & Fishing Awards
In order to receive an award, the person must be a CFGA member before the start of hunting or fishing season. The awards are presented at our Wild Game Banquet, to be held on April 26, 2025. Hope to see you all there!
Here is a list of our awards including some you may not be aware of:
- Youth Hunter Award: for the largest ‘horn scored’ animal.
- Huntress Award (Female Hunter Award): for the largest horn scored animal.
- Archery Award: for the largest horn scored animal.
- Awards for largest horn scored elk, moose, white-tail, mule deer, antelope, bear… and so on. Please see: Alberta Wildlife Awards for the complete list of awards; ours is the same, including birds and fish.
- CFGA also runs an annual Shed Hunting Competition. Make sure during hunting season when big game start to loose their antlers, to find a nice set, or singles for this competition!
We are looking for a few volunteers to assist us at the event. Please contact Mike Duszynski for details.
Hope to see you on January 31st!